Consultation for victims of right wing, racist and antisemitic violence
fast / free of charge / confidential / multilingual

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About us
Since 1998, Opferperspektive is offering professional counseling in the state of Brandenburg for victims of right wing, racist and antisemitic violence, their friends, relatives and witnesses. The online counseling is free of charge, confidential, based on solidarity and independent of state authorities. We respond within two working days in German, English and French. We also provide counseling in other languages but may require more time for processing.
Quality standards
Our online counseling team advises on all issues of victim protection based on the quality standards of our umbrella organization VBRG and has additional qualifications in psychosocial online counseling. Our standards for data protection comply with generally applicable regulations.
Email consulting via AYGOnet
Completely anonymous and secure via the browser
Mail counseling via the online platform AYGOnet allows completely anonymous access to our online counseling, which is secured via an extra server. On the registration page it is sufficient to give yourself a nickname and set a password.
The specification of an email address is voluntary. It can be used to replace a lost password and to be informed about incoming messages.
The protected area of one’s own mailbox, where all requests and messages are stored, can then be viewed at any time via the login button. If the password is forgotten, the consultation can be continued using a newly created account without saving an email address. The old nickname will then help us to restore the consultation history.
Contact form
Personal information is required
In addition to the offer to download the SupportCompass APP or to create a completely anonymous consulting account via AYGOnet, there is the possibility to reach the online consulting via the contact form. Registration is not necessary for this, but a phone number or email address will be requested. Encryption via PGP is possible.
Frequently Asked Questions
Who do you counsel and support?
Our online advice is aimed at those affected by rightwing violence and racial discrimination. All relatives, friends and supporters of victims, witnesses of rightwing attacks and people who are confronted with such acts in their daily work are also welcome to contact the online counselling service.
What do you mean by rightwing attacks?
Right-wing attacks are committed for various motives, namely as a result of hostility towards political opponents or people with alternative lifestyles, as well as hostility, devaluation and rejection of certain social groups. This includes attacks for the following reasons:
- Racism, i.e. hostility towards people (who are thought to be) of non-German origin.
- Antisemitism, i.e. hostility towards (those who are thought to be) Jews,
- Social Darwinism, i.e. hostility against (those who are thought to be) homeless and other socially excluded people and against people with (or who are perceived by others as having) illnesses and/or disabilities,
- LGBTIQ hostility, i.e. hostility against (those who are thought to be) lesbians, homosexuals and/or against people who do not conform to the socially dominant gender roles.
What do you mean by racial discrimination?
We speak of discrimination when disadvantages, exclusion or harassment occur because of fundamental affiliations or attributions. These include, for example, racist stereotyping, language, discrimination based on origin, sexual identity, but also age, gender, religion/belief as well as physical, mental and emotional abilities.
The anti-discrimination counselling service of “Opferperspektive” specializes in the phenomenon of racial discrimination. We support people in defending themselves against discrimination and claiming their rights. We offer a safe space to talk about your experience and to gain clarity about your own concerns. If desired, we can work together to identify possible courses of action and support you in the next action steps.
Possible courses of action may include:
securing circumstantial evidence, writing a letter of complaint, obtaining statements, accompanying individuals to mediation meetings, but also providing information on and support with legal action.
How does the consultation work?
What we discuss during the consultation, and which steps we take together is entirely up to the people who turn to us. Some people just need more detailed information, others are looking for support in processing what they have experienced. They may fear further threats or need legal support or financial help due to material damage caused by an attack. Furthermore, others seek advice, support and accompaniment for the entire process that a right-wing attack entails, from the question of how appropriate it is to report it to the police to accompaniment to court proceedings and the enforcement of damages. Concerns about a counteraccusation by the right-wingers or the desire to make the attack public may also be a reason to seek counselling.
At the beginning of the consultation, we clarify exactly what has happened and what questions or worries the people concerned have. During longer processes, we repeatedly check whether goals and wishes may have changed.
Why do you offer your consultation as an online consultation service?
We can think of a lot of good reasons why people choose online advice: Some of those affected may prefer to use the internet and prefer to write rather than speak. Or they don’t have time to visit a consultation center or to make an appointment for a consultation. Perhaps there is uncertainty as to whether one’s concern is appropriate for the consultation center and will be taken seriously. Other people affected want to test what the consultation center has to offer without obligation, or they only have a few short questions. Perhaps there was a self-defense situation, and now the fear of facing criminal charges of your own is a good reason to seek advice anonymously. We think there are many possible good reasons why people choose online counselling.
However, it is possible to change the form of advice at any time if desired. All online counsellors from “Opferperspektive” also offer advice over the phone, video consultation and face-to-face meetings. If necessary, they can also accompany you to the police, authorities, lawyers or to court.
How do I sign up for online consultation?
We offer online consultations through three ways.
Mobile chat counseling is possible via the “Support Compass” messenger. After registering, a specialized consultation center can be searched for using the zip code. “Opferperspektive” can be found under 14473. Thereafter, a consultant can be contacted. You can find the QR code for the APP on our website under “APP consultation”.
Via the platform AyGoNet, “Opferperspektive” offers anonymous mail counseling. Click on the button “DIRECT TO MAIL CONSULTATION” to access the counseling platform. On the registration page, all you have to do is enter a nickname and a password in order to submit your own counseling request completely anonymously via a secure server. The specification of an email address is voluntary. It can be used to replace a lost password and to be informed about incoming messages. The protected area of one’s own mailbox, in which all requests and messages are stored, can then be viewed at any time via the login button.
Via the contact form a consultation can be arranged by phone, video or mail. A consultation by mail can be protected by pgp.
I’ve forgotten my password by AyGoNet, what can I do?
If an email address was provided when registering, it is sufficient to enter the “Forgotten password” option on the login page. We will send a new password, and you will be able to log in again. Without email, we can continue the consultation with a newly created account. The old nickname will then help us to restore the course of the consultation.
What happens to my data?
Only the nickname is recorded in the online advice portal. If further data is entered within the profile, this will be saved in a file in order to record the consultation. All consultations are also saved and filed in the file. Only the consultants in the online consultation have access to this file. If this storage of the consultation process is undesirable, all this data will be destroyed immediately upon notification.