The information flyer from the Opferpersketive – counselling center for victims of right-wing violence is aimed at people who have…
mehr...Flyer: Assistance for victims of right-wing violence

The information flyer from the Opferpersketive – counselling center for victims of right-wing violence is aimed at people who have…
mehr...Possibilities for action and help for victims, relatives and witnesses This guide is aimed at people who have experienced right-wing,…
mehr...Opferperspektive (The Victim’s Perspective) is a non-state, non-profit organization which works in Brandenburg to support the victims of racist violence…
mehr...Opferperspektive (The Victim’s Perspective) is a non-state, non-profit organization which works in Brandenburg to support the victims of racist violence…
mehr...This is a shortened version of the brochure. The complete text can be downloaded here. What you should do directly…
mehr...Note: We speak English! Please contact us initially in English. If needed, we will call in an interpreter. Opferperspektive Address:…
mehr...Information and Counselling Centres for Victims of Right-Wing and Racist Violence in other Bundesländer (Federal States) Here you can find…
mehr...Right-wing and racist Violence Almost every week in the state of Brandenburg, people are attacked and humiliated by right-wing persons…
mehr...Racist discrimination Many refugees, immigrants or those with an immigrant background, as well as members of visible minorities experience racism…
mehr...Here you will find information and counselling centres that are not specialized in supporting the victims of racist violence but…
mehr...Here you will find non-state organizations offering refugees psychological therapies and assistance in matters of health care free of charge.…
mehr...Integration Commissioners (Integrationsbeauftragte) are generally employees of the state administration. In some places there are also honorary commissioners for integration.…
mehr...Integration Commissioners (Integrationsbeauftragte) are generally employees of the state administration. In some places there are also honorary commissioners for integration.…
mehr...Contact non-governmental anti-racist initiatives and human rights organizations. These organizations do not offer counselling to migrants and refugees. Instead they…
mehr...Here you can find the non-state organizations where you can get free of charge information regarding your asylum procedure or…
mehr...Here you can find contact and counselling services for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersexed refugees who have sought protection…
mehr...Here you find the addresses regarding financial aid and compensation for the victims of right wing and racist violence. Please…
mehr...Here you find the addresses regarding financial aid and compensation for the victims of right wing and racist violence. Please…
mehr...Information and Counselling Centres for Victims of Right-Wing and Racist Violence in other Bundesländer (Federal States) The information and counselling…
mehr...Since January 2008, Potsdam-based association »Opferperspektive« („victim’s perspective“) has a new research project. It aims to explore approaches for monitoring right-wing motivated violence in Germany and Poland as well as non-governmental assistance for victims of such attacks in the two countries.