Grußwort von Women in Exile zu 25 Jahren Opferperspektive

Elizabeth Ngari und Janet Otieno von Women in Exile © Presseservice Rathenow / Opferperspektive

On behalf of Women in Exile, we would like to congratulate all of you, the hard-working team at Opferperspektive, on your 25th anniversary. For the amazing and important work you do to support victims of racist and anti-fascist attacks. Work you have been doing for 25 years without thinking about your own safety and the dangers of revenge. Dangers you face every day from the same people who attack your victims.

We at Women in Exile would like to thank you for your support of the refugee community in Brandenburg. As you know, we are one of your best clients – whenever we become aware of cases of racism or discrimination, we do not hesitate to call you and you have not let us down so far.

Our current collaboration in the case of our sister “Rita”, in which you have taken such a strong stand, makes us proud of your work! It is a privilege to enjoy not only your legal expertise but also your support in our activism. I am sure Rita is looking down to see that justice is being done.

Personally, I have seen your team grow from the early days of our cooperation in Uckermark to the present day. It makes me proud to remember that we shared a stage at …. to receive a joint award from the Karl von Ossietzky Foundation in recognition of our different fields of work on human rights.

Now we are talking about a quarter of a century. I would have hoped that society would not have needed your work in the past – nor in the future, but! Looking at the current changes in the political climate, it seems that you will be needed for the next three quarters! Then we can celebrate together: your 100th anniversary and Women in Exile’s 95th!

We from Women in Exile are here to congratulate you on your 25th anniversary of your great work and dedication especially to the refugee community in Brandenburg. We appreciate all you have done and wish you many more years of success!
